
Enrolling in Your Benefits

When it comes to your benefits, you can enroll or make changes to your benefits during the specified times below during the year:
  • Within 30 days of becoming eligible
  • Within 30 days of life status changes such as marriage or welcoming a new child
  • Annually during the Open Enrollment period each fall

Examples of life status changes include:
          a. Marital status of change (marriage, divorce, or legal separation)
          b. Birth or adoption of a child
          c. Death of a dependent
          d. Loss or gain of other health coverage for you and/or dependents
          e. Change in employment status
          f.  Change in Medicaid/Medicare eligibility for you or a dependent
          g. Receipt of a Qualified Medical Child Support order (or other court order)

How to Enroll

The choices you make when you first become eligible are in effect for the rest of the year, unless you experience a qualified life status event. It’s important to review your needs and the needs of your family so you can make the best choices from the options available to you. 

Follow these steps to enroll in your benefits.

1. Review and Evaluate Your Needs
  • Carefully consider the options and your family's needs for the upcoming year.
2. Enroll Online on the Databricks network
  • Visit Workday through Okta 
  • Follow the prompts to select or waive each of your benefit options
  • If waiving coverage, follow the prompts online to signify you are waiving coverage.
  • Review and submit your elections
3. Need help? Visit go/workday or email peopleops@databricks.com